auto contrastの例文
- With that configuration, nothing comes back from the several photo-printing services I use look like the images in GIMP . ( The printed pictures typically look too dark-there seems to be a problem with gamma . ) Strangely, I " think " the problem is not limited to pictures heavily processed with GIMP . Even pictures that have gone through only linear operations ( auto contrast enhancement ) also seem to suffer the same problem.
- Krita has the following filters by default : levels, color adjustment curves, brightness / contrast curve, desaturate, invert, auto contrast, HSV adjustment, pixelize, raindrops, oil paint, gaussian blur, motion blur, blur, lens blur, color to alpha, color transfer, minimize channel, maximize channel, top / left / bottom / right edge detection, sobel, sharpen, mean removal, unsharp mask, gaussian noise removal, wavelet noise reducer, emboss horizontal only / in all directions / ( laplacian ) / vertical only / with variable depth / horizontal and vertical, small tiles, round corners, phong bumpmap.